
Knowledge of the pronouns in their singular form Knowledge of 20 basic words. The difference between pronouns and nouns and between their feminine and masculine form Knowledge of 17 letters in the print form. Knowledge of the five vowels Knowledge of 16 letters in cursive form.

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Asking the question. "How are you?" and all the answers. Inanimate nouns regarding the near surrounding in masculine and feminine forms. "I have", "I don't have", "but". Knowledge of 12 new letters in the print form.

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Prepositions: ב, על, על יד, מ. "Where do you live?" "Where are you coming from?" Knowledge of the: ה' הידיעה. "My" "yours". Knowledge of 3 letters in cursive form. Knowledge of 15 letters in print form. Revision of all the letters and all the words.

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Adjectives in masculine and feminine form. "My" Speaking

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How much? (part 1)

Plurals in masculine and feminine forms. Exceptional plurals in masculine and feminine forms. Numbers 1 – 20 in masculine and feminine forms "How much does it cost?" "What time is it?"

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When? (verbs 1)

Knowing all the hours of the day: for example "seven o'clock in the morning" knowing useful verbs to describe the agenda, in present tense, in masculine and feminine form.

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How much? (part 2)

Knowing the numbers 1 to 20. "How old are you?" – in masculine and feminine form. Serial numbers Fill out forms.

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What do we do?

Gerund of known verbs and new verbs.

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Reason sentences and purpose sentences.

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Adverbs. Casual form

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Knowing the relational names of the family: father, son, and husband. The pair form in unities of time. Past tense. Possessive pronoun

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Our home.

Knowing vocabulary related to the house. Inclination: "בשביל" Directions: North, south, west and east. Juxtaposition form Different meanings of the same word. Past tense Professions.

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Vocabulary related to clothes, food, vegetables and the colors. "How much does it cost?" "I like it" Different meanings of the same word.

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Happy Birthday to Ron.

Vocabulary related to party time. Inclination of prepositions Prepositions in plural form Verbs (פיעל, הפעיל והתפעל)

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David is looking for work.

Vocabulary related to work. Different meaning of the same word Juxtaposition in plural form "I have", "I had” , "I will have" Exceptional verbs in future tense אֵשֵב, אֵצֵא. אֵרֵד, אֵלֵך, אֶדַע, אוּכַל אֶתֵן, אֶקַח, אֶסַע, אֶגַש.

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Trip to Jerusalem.

Vocabulary related to excursions. Different meanings of the same word. Nouns and verbs that come from the same root. Future tense of the verbs ( "אכל", "אמר", "אהב".) Future tense of the verbs ( "עבד", "עמד", "עזר", "עלה", "ענה", "עשה".) Punctuation of letters Parts of a sentence.

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Visit to the doctor.

Vocabulary related to a visit to the doctor. Different meanings of the same word. Family of words. Parts of the body. Imperative tense. Punctuation of the conjunction "vav" Part of a sentence (continuation) Changing a noun to an adverb.

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In the post office.

Vocabulary related to the post office. Special expressions. Different meanings of the same word. Passive tense

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In the Bank

Vocabulary related to the bank. Passive tense

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The Hebrew calendar

The Hebrew calendar and the Holydays The verbs in all times and all tenses.

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